I became the fake CEO of a fake ad agency that loves working with fossil fuels
500,000+ Vists on LinkedIn, The Drum, AdWeek, Marketing Beat, Campaign Op-Ed, The Drum Op-Ed.
I made a video game to help asset managers move away from fossil fuels
City AM, Product Hunt, CleanTechnica, NEN Press, Insider, Financial News London.
I built a theme park to expose an ad agency's fossil fuel connections
Campaign, PRWeek, Adweek, Resume, Wirtual Media, Media Marketing, Brand New.

A series of posters I made for the global climate strikes.
Greenpeace, 350.org, Academic Paper, Upworthy, I Weigh, School Strike For Climate, Extinction Rebellion, YouthStrike4Climate, Fridays For Future, The Times.

I write and present weekly myth-busting videos for Greenpeace's channels
5 Million Video Views.
Fake an un-ecofriendly online life. Formerly Lifefaker.com
BBC, Dazed, Vice, Refinery29, Gizmodo, Forbes, Metro, LadBible, Shortlist, Creative Review, Designboom, Hacker News, Grazia, TechCrunch Editor.
I impersonate my local council to improve the range of their recycling tips. Specifically sex, drugs, and crime.

Printable, plastic-free masks that were used by strikers at Halloween (and a coal mine protest in Australia)

A protest movement I started for baby penguins. Endorsed (followed) by Greta Thunberg.
Read Next » I made a fossil fuel funfair