How I became Russia's nicest hacker
Fake news has had a lot of bad press.
Russian hackers, they say, are spreading lies that ruin the world.
But if lies got us into this, maybe they could get us out too.
I decided to become a Russian hacker myself, and see what I could do.
I translated my name into Russian – Оли Фрост.
Ordered a My Little Pony mask to hide my identity.
And started building my own fake news site.
NFN World News is a fake news site that publishes only the nicest lies.
The ones that crush fears, bring smiles, and make you almost want to be a good person.
I was prepared to use whatever means necessary to put the stories out.
From bot networks, to hi-jacking verified accounts.
So I started a Discord server in Russia called Anonynice.
A channel for my hackers to co-ordinate.
Next I opened a Bitcoin wallet to receive offshore financing.
Funds to promote our posts on your corrupt social networks.
And finally, I sent a threat to the news corporations of the world.
It explained my plan to destabilise their negative western media agenda.
Until they publish some real nice news.
A story about blind kittens has already been shared thousands of times.
The storm has arrived.
Choose your side, and choose carefully.
Visit NFN World News and spread some niceness.