Am I the father of wearable technology?
I first noticed the problem ten years ago.
Back at school I was naturally a bit of a rebel.
Against school policy, I refused to wear my jacket.
Instead, I carried it over my shoulder.
This was cool, but inconvenient.
It meant using my actual hands.
So I began to work on a solution.
But like the lightbulb or the first iPod, this took time.
Back then wearable tech wasn’t even a thing.
I had to invent it.
And now it’s here.
The world’s first hook for shirts.
A revolutionary plastic peg with a Peel-Off-The-Back & Stick-In-Place adhesive layer.
It lets you stylishly hang your jacket on your shirt, hands-free.
Modern man’s biggest problem is now no more.
SHOOK is now getting ready to launch.
If you’re a distributor or major fashion label, or would like a SHOOK yourself, shoot me an email
Or for more business ventures, check out my project Flopstarter.