I banished the oil demons

with a song of witches

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Demons of Oil Lyrics

We witches warned of climate change long ago
But the demons of oil had a business to grow
They told the townfolk we cast spells by the moon
Blamed storms on women who just owned a broom

A world aflame, yet it’s witches they fear
Demons of oil whispered lies in their ears

Witch hunts began, the town took it as fact
That poor harvests and droughts were caused by witches’ cats
They denied the fire each time that it snowed
Called us hypocrites if we owned an iToad

A world aflame, yet it’s witches they fear
Demons of oil whispered lies in their ears

The town was near bankrupt from paying for oil
Were told wind and solar was all warts and boils
Turned out the town mayor was in on the lies
The demon’s oil rigs were government subsidised

A world aflame, yet it’s witches they fear
Demons of oil whispered lies in their ears

Tunnels to hell where gold and oil would flow
The plans were revealed in leaked demon memos
The witches and town started working as one
Chanted a spell powered by wind and sun

Begone you demons, with coin in your eyes
We won’t work for you and we won’t tell your lies

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