You got me! The climate movement is a conspiracy
16 Million Video Views, 3 Million Streams, Sky News, TRT World, ABC, Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion, Canary Media.
A sea shanty to declare a pirate emergency.
6 Million Video Views, 400,000+ Streams.
A drinking song for climate deniers
500,000+ Video Views.
A song about Greta, feta, and why the ocean is getting wetter.
3 Million Video Views, Danced to by Greta Thunberg.
Being an emo used to be so easy…
The Locker, The Punk List, Limelight (Spotify Editorial Playlists).
Short songs
I made Liz Truss resign
It was too close to be a coincidence…
I helped the advertising industry sabotage itself
When a fossil fuel client comes knocking…
I started a campaign against the fire emoji
The earth is way too hot…
I formed a political air-instrument punk band
And stopped air pollution. Meet Pollution Solution.…
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